Tuesday, September 23, 2008

MLA format for latest blog

"Chinese Baby Formula Sickens Many. " New York Times. 2008. 18 Sep. 2008
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/18/world/asia/18china.html? _r=1ref=world&oref=slogin

I could not put in carrots because it would not let me post because of this html thing.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

This is where the article is


6,000 babies sickened

The thing I read is an article in the New York Times about how 6,000 babies were sickened by bad baby formula. I think that it is terrible that a company would be selfish enough to not care to check for illegal chemicals in something that is bieng fed to babies. I feel for those families that are forced to buy this because their income is not high enough, and I am sad that there is a downward spiral attached to bieng poorer, because you are forced to buy low quality things. It genuinely shocked me that over 6,000 babies were infected, and who knows how many will come after that?

Monday, September 15, 2008

A spoonful of soup

I would just like to inform everyone that this post is purely to welcome people to my blog. It would be good to let you know that this blog will be 100% opinionated on every single post I will ever make. Why dont I start that right now. Personally, I think that it is odd that 60% of my homework so far has come from EE10, and hopefully this will not continue. I like this class, but not all of the homework involved in it. I cant believe we have to do our own blog, comment on others, and answer a question every week. Oh well, this is high school, I guess. I do look forward to voicing my opinions and thoughts and complaining enough for all of us. Until next weeks assignment, goodbye.