Thursday, March 12, 2009

The good thief post #5

Since I last posted, the threesome has grown a little bit, to include former companions of Ren's from the orphanage and a troubled youngster, Dolly. Brom and Itchy (who were the twins that escaped from the orphanage) found Ren after a long search. Dolly was also with them, he was the man who Benjamin dug out of the ground, the novel never says but I am pretty sure he was in some type of coma. The section of the book that I read really explores the morality of digging out peoples' graves, and this section right here displays the details of the process and what effect it had on Brom and Itchy. Tinti writes, "Sarah, wife of Samuel, had been buried in her wedding dress...Ren tried to focus on the dress and not her face, which was terrifying- her skin stiff and cold as wax, the hair like straw...Her lips were deep purple, slightly open, and pulled apart...'I want to go home' Itchy cried. In the end they rolled her onto her face, severed the back ties, and took the dress from behind, Ren cutting along the seams...Itchy becan to pray under his breath, and Brom soon joined him. Our father, who art in heaven. Ren turned away toward the neighboring grave and saw the naked body of an old man on the ground, his penis like a soft piece of rope, his eyes open and staring" (Tinti 218).

To commit an act such as this in general is terrible in itself, but for children to have to experience the exhuming of graves on a daily basis, just for the purpose of thievery, is atrocious. The lasting emotional scars that can come from something like this will affect these pre-adolecents for the rest of thier lives, and may even cause them to have problems of their own. Benjamin and Tom, the two adult theives who are behind this buisness, already have an obviously low sense of morality and dignity, but to manipulate young children to assist you in matters like this breaches the farthest point of morality. Ren was origionally claimed by Benjamin, and he thought at first that he was bieng put in the arms of a loving father who would show him a good life, but he ended up bieng chosen because of the sentimentality of his missing hand. This passage, and novel in general, shows how life is not fair at all and most of the time, circumstances are forced on you without you bieng able to control it.


Samantha said...

Oh my gosh!
That is absolutely disgusting. Like you said, and experience like that would stick with one forever. It would be one of those haunting memories that last forever. It's especially gruesome because the boy's are so young!

Chélese E said...

I've never read your blogs before, this is depressing. The description of the dead woman in her wedding gown was sad enough, then to realize children were the ones doing this only made it worse. I can't even imagine how tough it is to sit there and burry someone in a piece of clothing thats meant to change their life forever. Its hard not to picture what's going on because of the detailed description, the whole thing in itself is just too much to handle.

Justin Z said...

Youngster to man? Campbell this guy is a murderer!!! Anywho... Dead people creep me out. I was at work last weekend and a funeral thing went by. The whole neighborhood went erily quiet... Death is an amazing thing.