Thursday, October 2, 2008

Outside Reading-"Palin is Ready? Please."

As many of you probably already know, Sarah Palin participated in an interview with Katie Couric in this last week. I read a Newsweek article reflecting on that interview, and I have to say that I completely agree with the author. Palin made an absolute fool of herself when responding to a question which asked her how living next to Russia gave her foreign policy credibility, and she said; "It's very important when you consider even national-security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America. Where-where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to-to our state". This quote did not in any way prove that she gains foreign policy credibility, it does quite the opposite. As the author of the article puts it; "Two weeks ago I flew to Tokyo, crossing over the North Pole. Does that make me an expert on Santa Claus?" This proves that she was completely unprepared and had no real reason to support her argument. She thinks that because she "can see Russia from her house" it makes her a foreign policy expert. Palin is not specific about anything, and amidst her gibberish she conveys the general idea that because her state is close to the country of Russia and is the place where "Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the U.S.A" she somehow is skilled at having diplomatic relations with them. Personally, I am very afraid for the future of our country. If McCain wins the election and dies within his term, (which is very probable considering he is 76) we will have a person who is totally unprepared and clueless as our president. Some people may counter that Barack Obama is unexperienced, etc. etc., but he can speak well and MAKE SENSE while doing it. He may have only been a senator for one term, but he has shown that he is capable and prepared for the job. Another note is that presidents Teddy Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy were younger than he is when they were elected and both were superb presidents.

Work Cited:
Zakaria, Fareed. "Palin Is Ready? Please." 27 Sep. 2008

(Couldent do carrots because it wouldnt let me post because of this html thing, couldent underline becuase there is no underline and I tried control+U, it didnt work)


Kate J said...

I agree with you fully. I'm not saying it to be insulting, but I very much doubt that she is ready to become our Vice President, let alone our President. I mean I don't think Ms. Froehlich is ready to be president, but she makes an amazing teacher. If you belive that Obama isn't ready either, well at least he can fake it better than Palin.

Quinn J said...

Liberal media, liberal bias. I'm not saying she is, and I'm not saying Palin isn't. I'm indifferent on her. Palin has roughly as much expierence as who? Obama. I don't know. I used to be more moderate on this election, but the liberal media is so annoying I can hardly stand it. We need a more moderate media source. Fox news is too conservative, NBC is WAY TOO LIBERAL, and CNN is the closest to un-biased, but they are even quite a bit liberal.

Sean S. said...

Well Campbell, I think that you make a very good point about just because you live near something it makes you an expert on it. But I don't think Palin was trying to say that she was an expert on Russia just because she lived near it, I think she was trying to say that Russia was dangerous and they could keep an eye on it from Alaska.